
[One on One] Narrative Beyond Narrative

A story |ike life unfolds without end, passing through turning points, withdrawing into dark tunnels at times, striding toward light at others. Thus stories let us move forward. Meet two authors Ha Seong-nan and Samanta Schweblin, who portray the tragedies and pains of our era with exquisite precision and subtlety.

Ha Seong-nan 작가 사진 Ha Seong-nan

ⓒ 이영균

Samanta Schweblin 작가 사진 Samanta Schweblin

ⓒ Suhrkamp Verlag

  • AuthorsHa Seong-nan, Samanta Schweblin
  • ModeratorKang Yun Jeong
  • Date2022.09.27.(Tue) 16:00
  • VenueCommunity House Masil