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· Seoul International Writers’ Festival (hereinafter referred to as ‘SIWF’) collects only a minimum amount of personal information from users in order to provide optimal services.
· SIWF abides by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and takes appropriate measures to request the user’s consent to collection and use of personal information.
· In principle, we do not collect personal information from children under the age of 14.
1. Items of Personal Information to be Collected
- Email address
2. Purpose of Collection and Use
- To make an inquiry via the English website of Seoul International Writers’ Festival (SIWF)
3. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
- Until termination or execution of purpose
4. Right to refuse and disadvantage incurred thereof
- You have the right to refuse to consent to collection and use of personal information as listed above.
- However, if you refuse, you will not be able to make an inquiry via our website.
5. Automatically Generated Items Collected
- IP Address, cookies, access date and time, access log