
[Writers in Conversation] Body Signals

What is it that you really want? Take a moment to reflect on yourself—from what you eat and wear to your own lifestyle. What kind of person are you? What do you love or think about? How would you describe yourself? Find out through literature the truth in you that you’ve inadvertently disregarded, and join writers on the path to freedom and liberation of the body.

Amanda Chong 작가 사진 Amanda Chong

ⓒ E jun Low

Choi Jin-Young 작가 사진 Choi Jin-Young

ⓒ 최모레

Yi Hyunseok 작가 사진 Yi Hyunseok

ⓒ 류한경

  • AuthorsAmanda Chong, Choi Jin-Young, Yi Hyunseok
  • ModeratorHeo Hee
  • Date2021.10.09.(Sat) 17:00
  • VenueOnline