
[A Writer's Room] Languages Walking Side by Side

The words in black print that had quietly tapped at our hearts come alive in the authors' own voices Enjoy an hour of poetry, language, and rhythm, as Kim Hyesoon, the poet whose sense of language is arguably the most shrewd in Korea, and Don Mee Choi who was awared the MacArthur Fellowship in recognition of her poetic accomplishments, sit face to face and share their works.

Don Mee Choi 작가 사진 Don Mee Choi

ⓒ SONG Got

Kim Hyesoon 작가 사진 Kim Hyesoon

ⓒ 정유진

  • AuthorsDon Mee Choi, Kim Hyesoon
  • ModeratorKim Haengsook
  • Date2022.09.24.(Sat) 16:00
  • VenueSeoul Community Culture Center Seogyo