
[One on One] Beyond Division and Hostility

What is realized in the reality of piled up hostility and hatred, division and conflict is the difficulty of crossing borders. Jeon Sungtae's novel carefully examines what our minds cannot overcome due to the reality of discrimination and hierarchy. Ahmed Saadawi’s novel realistically captures the horrors of war and terrorism through a unique fantasy combined with journalistic techniques. Through the conversation of these two writers, you can feel the power of narratives that persistently explore the barriers of division and hostility.

Ahmed Saadawi 작가 사진 Ahmed Saadawi

ⓒ Safa Alwan

Jeon Sungtae  작가 사진 Jeon Sungtae

ⓒ 박동희

  • AuthorsAhmed Saadawi, Jeon Sungtae
  • ModeratorSong Jong Won
  • Date2023.09.13.(Wed) 16:00
  • VenueForest Multi-Hall