
[One on One] Imagination of Care and Solidarity

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced life crises, safety crises, and have earnestly come face to face with human vulnerability. The caring mind drawn by literature delicately illuminates the light and shadows created by looking after others and relying on other people for help. Kim Keum Hee's novels carefully record the feelings of those who live with the wounds of this era, and imagine new relationships and ways of caring. Martha Batalha's novel embodies a women’s independence movement that resists patriarchal society with dynamic humor and vitality. We invite you to enjoy this deep conversation held between these two writers.

Kim Keum Hee  작가 사진 Kim Keum Hee

ⓒ blossom_creative

Martha Mamede Batalha 작가 사진 Martha Mamede Batalha

ⓒ Devin Stison

  • AuthorsKim Keum Hee , Martha Mamede Batalha
  • ModeratorKang Ji Hee
  • Date2023.09.11.(Mon) 16:00
  • VenueForest Multi-Hall