
[One on One] In the Place of a Collapsed Life

We hear stories of people from all over the world who have lost their livelihoods in an instant due to social disasters, climate disasters, conflicts, and wars. Jin Eun-young's poetry delicately depicts the loss and sorrow of suffering, and seeks a dialogue of love and healing. Bernardine Evaristo's work vividly depicts diasporic lives through language experiments that freely cross the boundaries of genre and race, gender and culture. Let's listen to the conversations of these writers as they discuss their work which delicately resonates with voices that rise up from troubled lives.

Bernardine Evaristo 작가 사진 Bernardine Evaristo

ⓒ Jennie Scott

Jin Eun-young  작가 사진 Jin Eun-young

ⓒ 창비

  • AuthorsBernardine Evaristo, Jin Eun-young
  • ModeratorSong Jong Won
  • Date2023.09.09.(Sat) 14:00
  • VenueForest Multi-Hall